Thanks for all your support everyone, but after withdrawing into my shell in typical Cancerian fashion, I've now returned to the land of the living. And truth be told, I probably wasn't quite as bad as I made it out to sound. And, in fact, it wasn't even really a migraine, just a tedious headache that lasted about a week and was accompanied by several sticky nights of profuse perspiration. Whatever it was, I have no idea, but I'm over it now, so let's all crack open a box of hemp granola and drench it with calcium fortified rice non-dairy beverage. Woo-hoo!
While I was in my cave, I did have a chance to consider our place in the universe. And wouldn't you know it, I made no major breakthroughs, just some Limericks. If Noah ever collected any literary specimens, I hope this pair of Limericks would be invited to board his ark, hand-in-hand.
"The Jurassic Age"
This orb was long ruled by reptillian giants
Who preyed on the weak with audacious defiance
       And nearly forever
       Though not very clever
A lesson therein from the pages of science
"The Human Scourge"
Mankind is in need of a better direction
Consuming and killing with savage perfection
       Where lies the answer
       To this bipedal cancer?
What can be done to contain the infection?