Saturday, September 8, 2007

September 8th is finally here

Tomorrow is Grandparents' Day all across America. I may not have time to visit my Grandma this weekend. Perhaps I'll stay home and balance her checkbook instead. It's important to make sure that her balance never exceeds $2000 so that her care facility can continue to bill the state of California about $4000/month for her room (50 square feet with a hospital bed) and board (mostly food that doesn't fit the criteria of her very restricted diet since her 1953 colostomy operation). It's an arrangement that keeps Grandma off the street and maintains a comfortable standard of living for the managing staff of the Care Facility.

Some day we will all escape the tormenting illusion of this physical world, the hapless realm of fear and desire, the wasteland of spiritual bankruptcy and material greed, the either/or area of good vs. bad, right vs. wrong, eternity vs. time, and god vs. man. The day will come when we each returns the paradise of Eden that existes within everyone of us, when we discard the fruit of the tree of knowledge of opposites, and eat instead from the tree of life. When we discover that paradise is not a faraway place but an oasis that lies deep within, only then will we unlock the potential of eternal life and experience the rapture of infinity and divinity in the here and now.

All of which brings me, somewhat anti-climactically, to this week's Limerick:

There’s a place somewhere north of Gonzales
With forests expansive and flawless
       And people who know
       What makes the trees grow
Up there they will offer me solace

May you all reach the island of angels and fairies, of peaches and pomegranates, of sweet nectars and invigorating elixirs, of unity and presence, wherever it may be. Open your hearts, now and forever, and see that your bowl of galactic granola never runs dry.

1 comment:

Kathy L said...

Well insight you have! That someday can't come soon enough.
