Monday, September 10, 2007

Pipe Dreams

Suffering in the caboose on the bullshit train to emerald city

I should have been a plumber
Instead of trying to use my head
I’ve tried to be creative
Should have studied cars instead

No more time to read these days
Reality shows run back to back
Libraries closed like minds
Education is under attack

Books are out of fashion
Unless they teach of home repair
I should have been a plumber
They make money everywhere

Books are now unwanted
They require us to think
But a plumber’s always needed
Every household has a sink

I should have been a plumber
Charging hundreds every hour
I could feed my family better
If I learned to fix a shower

Instead my time is wasted
Studying Henry, James and Joyce
When I could’ve studied welding
A more productive choice

So now I check my bank account
And wonder in despair
Where I’ll find the money
When our rooftop needs repair

I should have been a plumber
Eating sushi every week
I should have been a plumber
Instead of just a geek

1 comment:

Kathy L said...

Ain't that the truth.
